Qualified Assessor: Approval Process
IAW USCG NMC announcement dated 10/2/23, the US Coast Guard will continue to allow STCW assessments to be signed by an assessor who meets requirements specified in NVIC 19-14 until December 31, 2028. These assessments must be submitted to the Coast Guard as part of a complete application no later than June 30, 2029.
QAs must be approved by the Coast Guard as described in NVIC 19-14 CH-4, "Policy on Qualified Assessors" by December 31, 2028.
All AMO senior officers are encouraged to obtain their QA designation prior to these new dates in order to administer assessments of competence for AMO members completing STCW signoffs onboard.
STAR Center has partnered with the Ship Operations Cooperative Program (SOCP) to offer eligible AMO members an online program leading to certification as a US Coast Guard approved Qualified Assessor.
Please follow the steps listed below in the order they are given to lead you through the process required to become a Qualified Assessor (QA):
- Apply to take the class under STAR Center's Non Resident Training (NRT) program. Click here to apply.
- You will be issued a USER NAME and PASSWORD at this stage in order to proceed with the following online CBT QA training.
- With NRT approval, user name and password received, click here to view and print supporting notes that you need alongside the online program.
- Click here to access the training program. On completion, the program generates a certificate. Return here when you have the certificate in hand.
- Click here for directions on how to submit your Qualified Assessor application to the US Coast Guard.
- Submit completed QA application to the US Coast Guard.
- When your QA approval letter is received, please send a copy to STAR Center, attention Student Services, to have a copy appended to your Training History. Send a scanned pdf copy by email to register@star-center.com or by mail to:
STAR Center
Attention: Student Services
2, West Dixie Highway
Dania Beach, FL 33004
QA RENEWAL (required every 5 years based upon approval letter issued)
- QA letters are required to be renewed every 5 years based upon the issuance date of your letter.
- You must submit a renewal request to the USCG in same manner as your original request. See QA submittal checklist here: https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/NMC/pdfs/training/qualified_assessor_submittal_checklist.pdf
- You will be required to the provide Evidence of training, instruction, and/or experience in assessment techniques in the last 5 years. If a QA actively assessed others during the previous 5 years, provide evidence of those ongoing assessments (records of assessment, company statements, etc.). If the QA has not been actively assessing others, provide proof in the form of course completion certificates or other records of having received training in assessment techniques during the previous 5 years.
- The USCG has also provided additional information on Qualified Assessors including renewal requirements which can be found here: https://www.dco.uscg.mil/Portals/9/NMC/pdfs/announcements/2022/qa_de_qualification_requests_012722.pdf