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  • About Us
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    • Onsite Fire Fighting
      We provide full onsite fire fighting facilities.
    • Onsite Fire Fighting
      We provide full onsite fire fighting facilities.
    • 360 Degree Simulator
      Our DNV class "A" full mission bridge simulator.
    • State-of-the-art Engine Room Simulator
      2016 Full Mission engine simulation featuring 4 propulsion systems in 6 separate spaces using touch screen displays
    • Modeling & Research
      Our M&R department can build geographic databases and ship response models in-house.
    • SIGTTO Certified LNG Training
      We offer USCG approved, STCW compliant Tankship PIC Liquefied Gases and LNG Simulator training.
    • DP training
      We offer Nautical Institute approved Basic (induction), Simulator (Advanced) & Revalidation DP training
    • DP-Equipped Cable Ship
    • 270 Degree Simulator
      Our second full mission bridge simulator offers 270 degree field-of-view
    • Specialized Training
      Call us to discuss tailored training.
    • Onsite Small Arms Training
      We offer a full range of classes required of officers sailing with Military Sealift Command including Small Arms in our onsite MSC training facility.
    • Vessel Resource Management
      We offer integrated training for deck and engine officers using our full mission simulators.
    • Fast Rescue Boat
      We offer both 8m twin diesel jet and 8m twin outboard Fast Rescue Boats.
    • Survival Craft (Lifeboat)
      Full STCW compliant Proficiency in Survival Craft (Lifeboat) training is available.
    • Conference Facilities
      We offer in-house conference facilities for ~150 catered by our in-house galley staff.

STAR Center's Hurricane / Emergency Information

This page will provide specific information with respect to STAR Center activities for both students and staff in the event a hurricane or other emergency event is forecast to impact our area.

There are no storms or other emergencies impacting operations.

Please click on the link to the National Hurricane Center for hurricane information

STAR Center's Hurricane Evacuation Policy

If your training is scheduled during the traditional hurricane season, 1 June-30 November, and although the chances of you being impacted by a storm are very slim, recent history shows that it is best to be prepared.

We track the weather closely here. If a developing storm puts STAR Center at high risk and the National Hurricane Center issues a Hurricane Warning for our area, or we determine that there is a high risk of a warning being issued, STAR Center will cancel classes, close, and evacuate until the storm or risk passes.

In that event, we will notify students at the school as well as incoming students of our intentions as soon as possible. Students en route should divert and students at the school should have a plan to depart for a saf er area. STAR will assist with rescheduling students for the next available classes. We will also assist with making travel plans for departing students, but travel funding will be the student's responsibility.

To assist us with keeping you informed of the weather situation it is essential that we have a means of contacting you in the weeks prior to your scheduled arrival. Please ensure we have accurate contact information. We will also keep our hurricane condition status updated on the STAR Center website (www.star-center.com) and the AMO Plans website (www.amoplans.com).

We have not had to close the school too many times in the past. However, we lost one or two weeks when Wilma, a Category 2 Hurricane, caused significant damage to the campus and put students and staff at risk. Our goal is to minimize that risk in the future.

Again, we don't expect that you will be affected by a hurricane but want you to be prepared in the event that you are. We are looking forward to your arrival and hope that your training experience is positive and meaningful.